Mysterious Groove
i'm at a new year's party
feeling very out of place
in my rhinestones and cashmere and combat boots and lace
you're leaning on the doorframe
staring into space
and i admit i wanna kiss that interesting scar upon your face
it looks like your cleft lip was sewn up long ago
and i wonder how it tastes now that you're 23 years old
you ask me to the bathroom to do a line of blow
and though i'd love to be alone with you politely i say no
you're telling me
you're from burlington
and i'm half listening
but secretly i'm watching your mouth move
you might do a law degree
but you'll have to wait and see
and i don't care i'm watching your mouth move
with its mysterious groove
these people worship che
they put his poster on the wall
they think they're anarchists
but still they bought that poster at the mall
they're drinking pbr
while we share a can of elderberry wine
and sit on milk crates that dig little
cross-hatched lines across our thighs
everyone is smoking
and the air is turning blue
and you're coughing and you're laughing
as i'm fetishizing you
you ask about my hairdo
as your boyfriend leaves the room
and as you softly touch my arm
i have the most enchanting view
you're telling me
you're a gemini
and i nod and smile
but secretly i'm watching your mouth move
you lean in close
and propose a toast
and i'm happy cuz i'm watching your mouth move
with its mystrious groove
i don't think i'll see
or hear from you again
cuz i didn't catch your name and i'm not sure where you live
but new year's eve is like that
brief liaisons and one night stands
so i'm really not upset that this is where our story ends...
Here's another song that I will never, ever perform again under any circumstances, that I wish I could un-write and un-sing, and makes me want to chew my own leg off. Argh.
It is really a song about the night before my Worst Hangover Ever. The lyrics are just an account of one of several parties I attended, one New Year's Eve. It's a highly mythologized account, and tiny details either invented or blown way out of proportion. This all happened yeeeeeeeeears ago, and reading the lyrics (for I cannot bear to listen to it) make me profoundly glad that I no longer drink. I am also profoundly glad that I am no longer 23. Blech.
Here's the less glamorous version of that night: it was the warmest Dec. 31st I ever remember, ever. We were just wandering around without coats on in the dead of night. It was either actually unseasonably warm or we were just too drunk to feel the cold. Either way, no coats. I was wearing a bright pink sequined party dress with a crinoline (hawt), a cream-coloured cashmere cardigan, combat boots and a pearl necklace. I looked FABULOUS. I only have vague memories of the actual partying we did that night. I'm sure some of the imagery from the song is correct (like sitting on milk crates, that's true) but that was just from the first stop. I think we went to two more parties, and one of them was a circus thing? There was some kind of circusy fire thing with acrobats. God, that sounds cool, I wish I could remember it more specifically.
But then, like messy dumb white girls everywhere, I went too far with the sweet drinks and the shots and ended up outside the circus party, crying and basically in a wet heap on the sidewalk. I was unable to explain myself to kindly partygoers, and to this day I have no idea what made me so upset. My friend tried to get me onto a bus to go back to her apartment but I refused and forced everyone to get a $40 cab ride. Because I had devolved into a hot, sweaty mess and my friend was trying to manage me, she ended up leaving her wallet in the cab, which had all her Christmas gift cards in it. When I woke up the next day, and everything slid into nauseating focus, I was in so much pain. Not just the hangover, but like dying of embarrassment. I was hungover until about 7 PM, and sadly, I did not learn my lesson whatsoever.
A toast to the former versions of myself, all of whom were terrible. Cheers.